Chapter 1. Homeland Security Organization Subchapter i. Department of Homeland Security Subchapter III. Science and Technology in Support of Homeland Security Subchapter V. National Emergency Management Subchapter VI. Treatment of Charitable Trusts for Members of the Armed Forces of the United States and Other Governmental Organizations Subchapter VII. Management Subchapter IX. National Homeland Security Council Subchapter X. Construction Subchapter XIII. Emergency Communications Subchapter XIV. Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office Subchapter XV. Homeland Security Grants Subchapter XVI. Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Subchapter XVII. Anti-Trafficking Training for Department of Homeland Security Personnel 6 U.S. Code §101. Definitions 6 U.S. Code §102. Construction; severability 6 U.S. Code §103. Use of appropriated funds 6 U.S. Code §104. National biodefense strategy